Buffalo is a triple purpose animal, being suitable for milk, meat and draught. Surti Buffalo. Skin is black or brown in colour. Average production will be 2000-2500 litres in lactation.

SURTI . Cape buffalo, (Syncerus caffer caffer), the largest and most formidable of Africa’s wild bovids (family Bovidae) and a familiar sight to visitors of African parks and reserves.

Care and management of calves: Immediately remove the phlegm or mucous from nose or mouth after the birth. The methanogenic communities in buffalo rumen were characterized using a culture-independent approach of a pooled sample of rumen fluid from three adult Surti buffaloes. The Surti is a breed of water buffalo found in the Charottar tract of Gujarat between the Mahi and Sabarmati rivers. General Information .

Surti is also known as Charotari, Deccani, Gujarati, Nadiadi and Talabda. The Surti buffalo is a reputed breed of buffalo with its origin in charotar region of central Gujarat. The presently used buffalo semen in Kerala is of Murrah bulls. Mehsani and Surti, from farms in Gujarat, India. 5:06. The breed is named after its place of origin. White colour is not desirable in any other part of the body. The body is well shaped and medium sized; the barrel is wedge shaped. Buffalo rumen is likely to include species of various methanogens, so 16S rDNA sequences were … (The forest, The Surti buffalo is a reputed breed of buffalo with its origin in charotar region of central Gujarat. Surti Buffalo Physical Characteristic | Surti Buffalo ki Pehchan aur Khobian | Surti Buffalo info by Pure Farming Tips. Care of the breed ... Give pregnant buffalo 1kg more feed because they are also growing physically. The horns are sickle shaped, moderately long … The eyes are prominent. The breeding tract includes Vadodara, Bharuch, Kheda and Surat districts of Gujarat. The head is long. The Cape buffalo is the only member of the buffalo and cattle tribe (Bovini) that occurs naturally in Africa. The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) or domestic water buffalo is a large bovid originating in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and China.Today, it is also found in Europe, Australia, North America, South America and some African countries. Fodder . Prior to sample collection, the udder was washed with potassium permanganate solution (1:1000) followed by disinfection of teats ends with alcohol. High production efficiency in livestock production is an economically desirable attribute that targets ultimately for genetic up gradation.

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