Read more. Mrs. Miniver is a fictional character created by Jan Struther in 1937 for a series of newspaper columns for The Times, later adapted into a film of the same name Origin. Mrs. Miniver wasn't the first old Hollywood film to expose the evils of the Nazi regime -- Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939), The Great Dictator (1940), Meet John Doe (1941), and The Mortal Storm (1941) all preceded it -- but its powerful portrayal of an ordinary man twisted by a hateful ideology is unique among these films. This one holds up even better than Michael Cimino’s dismal 1990 remake starring Mickey Rourke and Anthony Hopkins. Mrs. Miniver - Official Trailer. The movie takes place in England, but it was filmed entirely on a set inside MGM Studios. Mrs. Miniver (1942) bloopers, mistakes, errors in continuity, plot holes, anachronisms, spoilers and more. It lost best picture to “Mrs.

When the movie was filmed, Americans were still feeling neutral about the war in Europe. The film adaptation of Mrs. Miniver was produced by MGM in 1942 with Greer Garson in the leading role and William Wyler directing. ... Wyler directed “Mrs. Frightfully nice, it's like war at teatime. But then Mrs. Miniver came along and grabbed the country’s attention. Miniver” which also starred Garson who took home the award for best actress along with the world record for longest acceptance speech, clocking in at 5 minutes 30 seconds. Comment Report abuse.
Miniver picks up "Alice in Wonderland" and begins to recite a passage about the joys of childhood, a summer past, and the simple pleasures in life. For the most part, the U.S. didn’t want to get involved. Helpful. Mrs. Miniver’s House. Find out about all the goofs from Mrs. Miniver (1942) on IMDb.

While "Mrs Miniver" is a first rate war story , this beautiful and compelling film is notable for its absence of of gory battle scenes, "language", graphic sex or any other element that would be deemed "unsuitable for children". Mrs. Miniver finishes the passage, and Mr. Miniver (Walter Pidgeon) mentions that he wonders if Lewis Carrol ever thought that his story would be so beloved decades later. Back from the past 1958.

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