Zebras feed mainly on grass but would also consume bark, roots, fruit and leaves. The mountain zebra is sometimes found in mountains at elevations up to 2,000 m. Zebras are very cautious, swift animals. Zebras are found inhabiting the open grasslands and plains of East and Southern Africa where they spend almost of their time grazing on the grasses. Zebras are found in eastern and southern Africa. They inhabit the broad open spaces of steppes.

There are three species of zebra: Grevy's, Mountain and Plain zebra. Sometimes bachelor herds are formed by a few stallions only. Zebra habitat can include open plains, semi-desert, open woodlands, and even mountainous regions.

The Common Zebra is the most numerous and has the widest natural range throughout East Africa where they are found roaming the grassy plains. Zebras eat the river bushwillow, a shrub found in the savannahs, the okra fruit and the leaves from trees like acacia, baobab and the jackalberry. First two species are endangered. Zebra can be easily recognized by its specific black and white appearance. Larger herds are sometimes seen but it usually happens when different herds come together temporarily. Zebras are highly sociable animals. The Grevy’s zebra can be found in dry, semi-desert areas of Kenya and Ethiopia, and the mountain zebra lives in mountainous and hilly habitats in Namibia, Angola and South Africa. The zebra population is decreasing due to habitat being lost to farming and also competition with livestock for water sources.

The most common species of Zebra found in Africa is the Plains/Burchell's Zebra. They have to compete for resources with other grazers, as well as cattle and livestock. Zebras are often found mingling with antelope herds in order to add extra protection against threats. They are found in a variety of habitats including woodlands, grasslands, thorny scrublands and savannas. 6. The research was inspired by observations that zebras also tend not to be bothered much by flies. A separate study now offers an explanation as to why that's the case. 5. Zebras are polygamous herd animals, usually found in herds of ten to 30 head. They live in small family groups (small herds) of about 3 to 10 zebras consisting of a few mares, young zebras and an adult stallion. They need to eat more because of the low nutrient quality of their diet. Zebras are also hunted for their skins. Zebras can be found in shrublands, grasslands, mountains and grasslands of Africa. Other species found are the very rare and endangered Cape Mountain Zebra; Hartmann's Zebra (a subspecies of mountain zebra) found mainly in Namibia; Grévy’s zebra, found mostly in Kenya. It is like the more the members, the less likeliness of them being attacked by the predators. We have been cross-breeding zebras with other equines since 19th century at least. That is super cool, we all want friends like a group of zebras.

No, zebras and tigers do not live on the same continent. Earlier, when zebras were more numerous, herds of up to several hundred head were observed. Zebras are found in Africa, and tigers are found in Asia. Habitat loss in an already restricted range is a serious threat to the Grevy’s survival. 3) Closely related to horses, zebras have thick bodies, thin legs, a tufted tail, and a long head and neck sporting a short mane. Grevy’s zebras have undergone one of the most substantial reductions of range of any African mammal.

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